SACRAF - One of Seven: The fall of PANGAEA

The series opens on the protagonist's home planet, posing the central question: who is the main character? Millennia ago, when our planet bore a different name, a pivotal event unfolded. At that time, the continents were not divided; they stood united, much like the people inhabiting them. This civilization boasted an exemplary education system and societal structure, fostering strength in both individuality and unity. Spiritual teachings were integral, with gods walking among humans and giants, alongside the legendary tales of Atlantis. Noteworthy landmarks, such as the great Sphinx and the earliest endeavors in constructing the grand pyramids, are showcased. Deep within the Olympus Mountain on Mars lie secrets that brought an end to hunger, cured any illness, and even gave rise to devils. In the vast expanse of the universe's dark ocean, rare pearls exist, with Mars being a prominent “pearl planet.” Our utopian planet, once known as Pangaea, remained untouched by war – until the cataclysmic event known as the Stone Rain occurred.

The Journey and evolution of a Warrior’s spirit through the aeons. The struggle starts on Pangaea, a once green and prosper planet where humankind lives in harmony. However, a dark and menacing shadow would trigger a dramatic chain of events that would bring turmoil to the entire known universe.

This series is an inspired alternative history of the universe from its creation to the present day and beyond. A unique and captivating blend of races, religions, myths, technology, warfare, would keep the reader glued to the book. 

This series is deemed to be a breathtaking saga of about the evolution and education of the Spirit through the ages.

Humans, Giants, Xenpirians, Artyraks, as well as high spirited Deities and fantastic creatures are caught in an outstanding and long lasting battle for supremacy with the ultimate purpose of the human race bringing light into a universe darkened by powerful, inconspicuous forces. 

The most evolved spirit, the one who can harness the power of the seven Sacrafs, will prevail, but his path is burdened with gruesome obstacles. Not only must the Spirit overcome his relentless enemy, the Darkness, but he must also strive to evolve and unite all that is good to bring light to the universe.


Wielding the battle sword with its right claw, the great roc bird glides in the open sky from the high Wolfrock Mountains to the training soil of LAUREAN, with no master in sight!

Gazing up in the sky and covering his eyes from the daylight of the star, a Master speaks to its Disciple!

Kaido: Hey Rukh… I think that birdy wants to visit us!

    Rukh: What bird?

The disciple gazes upon the skies with confusion in his eyes. Rukh sees no bird. He calmly turns around to his back to inspect the whole sky. Rukh’s pupils dilate! The disciple does not move! He sees an ENORMOUS feathered creature in the sky! Within a sudden movement, the mighty creature descends to the two humans!

The ROC BIRD is greater in size that any other on PANGAEA. Its height exceeds the one of humans! It is powerfully built. Its feathers wear a dark brown. Its hooked beak and claws are of dark shade. The Roc approaches the RedShields! It seems that it was looking for them.

The creature’s claws touch the ground! It pulls its wide wings around its body, as it does not need them to fly anymore! It stands there and gazes upon the two humans. The RedShields wear the black armor and gray vambraces! The creature waits.

Kaido, of RED canton, of SHIELD profession, goes to the creature. He slowly tries to reach, with his hand, the roc’s beak. Kaido gazes in the bird’s eyes with compassion by his side and no fear in his heart! The bird accepts Kaido’s presence! In a humble manner, the bird approaches Kaido and with the top of its head, it reaches and touches Kaido as a sign of trust.

    Kaido: I think it doesn’t have bad intentions…

    Rukh: Don’t stay too close… it might hiccup and eat you by mistake!

    Kaido: Hah… yeah right! What would a roc bird do with an ashdion blade?


Sati: BLACKSPOT here!

    Lucas: Help! We are under attack!

    Sati: Who is attacking?

    Lucas: AA… A… A DEVIL!

    Sati: A devil?! That cannot be possible! Are you sure?

Static noise is heard. BLACKSPOT does not receive any response!

    Sati: We are sending a team!

From the woods of KHEM, a speeder hastyly comes out. On it, there is a woman rider. With one hand on the handle, it rides the speeder and with the other, it holds a wounded friend. The rider holds him carefully, so his friend will not fall! The friend is unconscious – his forearm is cut, but a foam is applied to it so that it would not bleed!

    Daria: Hang in there! We are almost there!

He barely breaths! The cut arm quickly drains his life. The sanctuary is seen ahead! Daria fully twists the handle, gaining more speed!

Daria stops outside the sanctuary! She gets out of the speeder and puts her friend carefully on the ground, in a safe position.

    Daria: Someone! I need help!

Nearby people are rushing to help! Someone quickly rips the shirt of the wounded man and searches for wounds.

He sees three deep cuts on the liver! He makes a selection on the vambrace and sprays restorative-foam on the wounds, closing them! He asks.

    Tred: What happened?!

Tred puts his hand on the wounded man’s heart and the vambrace shows the pulse! The wounded man is barely breathing!

    Daria: I don’t know! I heard a loud scream and headed there! I found him without an arm and bleeding to death!

    Tred: The stone-cube cannot heal this! We need something else! Did you call BLACKSPOT?!

    Daria: No! I rushed to bring him here!

    Kizko: I am calling in now!

    Sati: BLACKSPOT here!

    Kizko: We need help here in KHEM! We have…

    Sati: We send two C2Vs! They should arrive soon!

    Kizko: AA… Thank you!

BLACKSPOT ends the call.

    Kizko: They already sent help…

    Tred: But who called them?!

A child in the back asks his father.

    Tam: What is a C2V?

The father opens his vambrace and shows to the boy! A three-dimensional holographic representation of something RED appears! 

    Vandor: A starfighter!

Tam is amazed! His mind starts to wonder. So many questions jump in his head. A more important one is asked.

    Tam: Is the man going to be alright?

    Vandor: I hope so!

Tred’s vambrace shows ZERO pulse!

    Tred: Oh NO! His heart stopped!

Tred selects the vambrace to defibrillation!

    Tred: MOVE ASIDE!

With his hands Tred tries to make space and to make sure no one touches the body when he uses the defibrillator! Tred puts his forearm close to the chest of the wounded man!

    Tred: Everyone clear!

The vambrace delivers the electric shock!

    Ryze: AAH!

    Tred: He is back! GREAT! Can you hear me?

    Ryze: Yes…

Ryze has become conscious. Everyone is relieved and happy! But something does not feel right!

A silent boom is heard!

And another!

And another! They start to become frequent and louder and LOUDER! It sounds as if the sky is EXPLODING!

It comes from the East!


Something pierces through it!

Looking skyward, they behold! THE GROUND STARTS TO SHAKE! 


    Mavis: I never saw devils like THAT! IT highly resisted to plasma, to LETHAL plasma! IT is bigger in size! And faster than the ones back on MARS!

    Kaido: Someone must have eaten… the tuber…

    Mavis: You mean something?

    Kaido: No! SOMEONE! The Bloodtuber holds the essence of flesh… I think the tuber was from an animal! IT has characteristics of a predator… but the Bloodtuber is just an enhancement… the devil is a merge of the Bloodtuber and something or someONE that… EATS IT! That devil looked similar to a… human! IT had a state-3 vessel! More powerful, stronger… IT was practically immortal…

Kaido sighs. The RedShield slowly closes his eyes and inclines towards the ground. Mavis comes closer to Kaido. She gets down on her knee and holds him, not to fall!

    Mavis: Hey, HEY! Don't blackout on me!

The RedCircle gazes at Kaido’s arm! It still bleeds! She takes Kaido’s hand, the one he used to keep the pressure on! IT IS ALL RED! Full of blood! Kaido cannot move his wounded arm. 

    Kaido: Do you have some of your “love juice”?

With kind eyes, the RedShield gazes at Mavis. Kaido is referring to Aether! Mavis checks for the bottle with shining white dust! She has half of it!

    Mavis: I can use restorative-foam on the wound and keep it clean and closed!

    Kaido: Yeah, but I cannot move it!

Mavis thinks about it. She needs Kaido to fight the DEVIL. She is a RedCircle. Protection and Healing is her main lessons. But Aether is forbidden to use without approbation. It can heal to extremely small level – curing any disease and resolving any problems the body has!

    Kaido: I do my best with both of my arms…

Kaido smiles! Mavis looks at him and smiles back! She takes the bottle!

    Mavis: I need you to shut up and open your mouth!

    Kaido: Yes, ma’am!

Kaido opens his mouth. Mavis holds his chin up and pours all of the remaining Aether!

The moment he swallows the dust, Kaido feels nothing. Immediately after, his body starts to stir. The RedShield’s heart starts to beat faster. His body becomes warmer. NAUSEA HITS HIM! Kaido breathes rapidly – he feels as if he is suffocating! An unusual HEAT travel throughout his entire body. From the tips of his toes, all way up to the head. An intense HEAT fuels his veins. The temperature rises and RISES!

Until it STOPS!

The heat begins to dissipate, leaving behind a pleasant feeling. Kaido feels his entire body has been cleaned! As if all the pain and weaknesses of the vessel have gone and have been replaced with a breeze of health and nourishment. The RedShield breathes normally and gazes at Mavis!

    Mavis: So, how it is to feel to be young again?

    Kaido: What do you mean?!

Mavis opens her vambrace. She selects a holographic display of an MIRROR!

    Mavis: Look!

Kaido is dumbfounded.

    Kaido: What the…?!

    Mavis: Don’t panic!

Kaido does NOT BELIEVE his eyes! HE IS YOUNGER! He starts to touch his face with his hands. He did not notice that his arm was completely healed!


The demi-God is gone! The explosion has shattered his vessel and released his spirit from it! His soul rests and his spirit moves on! The God is alone and trapped! Inside one of the three Crowns of TYRAK! The green-emerald ASHDION vessel offers him protection beyond many weapons but not to DARK MATTER! As a God, he can control and be aware of his vessel at a molecular level! Merak can sense in detail the environment around him! He senses the Dark Matter spears inside him! He tries to understand them better! To find a faster way to escape! The molecules vibrate discretely to try to break them without notice from the Artyrak!

    Volzar: Don’t fight it!

Merak breathes violently to gain more energy! The God has full RED EYES! The spears WIDEN! Merak is in pain!

    Volzar: Calm your spirit!

The finger-spears stop to widen!

Merak breathes to calm himself! The Artyrak does not want him dead – Merak has noticed this. He cannot escape! Dark Matter cannot be broken! He just has to comply! For now.

The God’s RED glow dims and vanishes from his eyes! He is calm! He gazes upon the Artyrak! It can be clearly seen! The shining rays of TYRAK reveal Volzar’s form! The form of an entity with Dark Matter vessel! A vessel with an Atomic-Swarm communication! It can change its shape by its WILL! An immortal and invincible vessel! Merak stares into its eyes! Into the MIRROR BLACK eyes! They are not disturbed by the rays from the SUN! They do not reflect the light! They have no sclera, no iris, but they are eyes of a spirit and Merak sees through them! He sees the dissonant spirit! The spirit without the harmonic spark! A selfless spirit! A weak spirit! With a glorious vessel!

    Merak: Do you have a name?

    Volzar: VOLZAR!

It has a name! It must be important to it.

    Merak: Did your creator give you that name?

    Volzar: He did!

Merak is in pain, but he controls the healing of his vessel! He is not dying! He is just trapped.

    Merak: What are your bombers doing in our system?

    Volzar: They bring an offering!

Merak stares at the Arytrak with frowning eyes and mouth!

    Merak: You bring destruction!

    Volzar: We bring LIFE… ORGANIC LIFE!

The God quickly understands and believes that inside the bombers must be creatures!

    Merak: Life… You’re bringing self-aware… biological weapons!

Volzar admires Merak’s mental sharpness! The Artyrak also admires the ashdion vessel!

    Volzar: I have heard bold tales about your mineral!

The finger-spears of Dark Matter slowly widen! Merak yells in pain!

    Volzar: I am not impressed!

    Merak: STOP!

The Artyrak stops! The finger-spears do not widen anymore! Merak speaks with pain and anger in his words!

    Merak: You bring WAR to my planet!

    Volzar: Do not worry! We only want PANGAEA!

MARS is not the target! The planet was used only as a shadow to keep warning hidden from PANGAEA! Merak’s suspicion is confirmed! They were after PANGAEA! Merak begins to fuel himself with ANGER!

    Merak: You want WAR? YOU WILL HAVE IT!

MERAK’s eyes begin to glow RED!

    Volzar: Your greatest warrior stands at the mercy of my fingers!

The Artyrak’s finger-spears widen even more! Merak yells in pain! The fingers stop from their widening. Volzar has the complete attention of the God!  With its left hand, it keeps Merak trapped into the glass wall! With its other hand, with the right hand, Volzar gestures its words!!

    Volzar: Do you think you have a chance?

    Merak: We have millions of Shield warriors; they surpass your armies! The SUNs… won’t allow this!

    Volzar: They were the ones who proposed it!

The God is dumfounded! The Protectors of the Universe would never propose such a thing! Merak does not understand! His RED glow vanishes from his eyes! His spirit is unsettled!

    Merak: WHAT?!

The Artyrak makes a sinister smile! IT enjoys the God’s lack of clarity!

    Volzar: The solar warriors need something WE HAVE! Something ancient! Something long forgotten! But not to them!

That something ancient must be of great value that a war should start because of it!

    Merak: What do you have that is worth a planet?

    Volzar: Not A planet! PLANETS! Yours is just one of many!

The God silences his voice! The impact of the problem exceeds his perception! Merak listens!

    Volzar: Have you heard tales from the Guardians?

    Merak: They do not speak with the living…

    Volzar: Yes… There aren’t any tales! They cannot be seen! Cannot be heard! They learned from their mistakes! But somehow, they communicate with the living!

    Merak: Their interest is for the spirit to grow!

    Volzar: And why is that? What are they afraid of?

With its right hand, the Artyrak caresses Merak’s head! The sadistic touch on the ashdion skull only disgusts and angers the God! Merak is not intimidated!

    Volzar: The Guardians do not tell stories!

The Artyrak synchronizes its words with its hand gesture!

    Volzar: But stories were told! THE WATCHERS TOLD EVERYTHING! Our father heard so many! Told us so much!

Merak listens.

    Volzar: The Watchers could see EVERYTHING! Everything that was, is or could be… they’ve seen it! There wasn’t a place or event they haven’t witnessed!

The God knows all too well the powers of the former Guardians!

    Volzar: As their curiosity pushed them deeper into history, they unlocked mysteries! They found answers! They understood the cause of the effects! The power of beginning! How one small thing changes everything!  How GREATNESS is born! They searched even deeper! Everything came out of something! There was something in something… in something! And that something… led them to one singular, common event in TIME! The VERY BEGINNING! Before everything even existed! The BIRTH OF THE UNIVERSE!


Darkness has taken over the place! Not even the three moons can be seen! The SUN has left the warriors on a volcanic planet without a star!

Kaido puts the mask on his face and binds it to his back! Now, he can see!

The RedShield quickly raises his forearm! A bolt of violet-plasma comes  his way! His circular red energy-shield blocks the bolt! The battle has started! Kaido runs to the maze of giant rocks to hide!

The Shields and Daragonians have gone to the giant rocks as well! They hide behind the rocks to defend themselves from the plasma attack! Kaido goes near Raymon and Zarand!

The Mountains start to tremble! A QUAKE shakes the place!

    Kaido: What is happening?

    Raymon: The ground is shaking!

Loud rumbling and crashing noises are heard from afar! The volcanic mountains begin to thunder! The molten rocks inside, along with the ash and steam emerge from their craters! HOT MOLTEN LAVA erupts from the scorched Mountains! Their heat and light slightly illuminate through the complete darkness surrounding the planet!

    Zarand: The planet has been shifted from its orbit! Its electromagnetic field is collapsing! We don’t have much time till we lose the atmosphere! 

Near them, the Deities quickly understand the situation! Azareea leaves her hiding. There are giant rocks in her left and in her right, but she stands in the middle, where she is exposed to danger! She engages the Violet Spectrum! Her limbus and iris turn full glowing violet! She can see spirits approaching! The Impalers are coming! They are coming fast!

She has a straight posture! Faith and confidence are on her side! She could have seen the spirits behind the giant rock, but she prefers to be exposed!

An Impaler sees her! It recognizes her! Plasma would not do any damage, so it throws the spear with great force at her! Azareea sees the throw! She moves slightly aside with her body and grabs the spear! It would have been impossible for a human! It would have ripped their hand apart! Azareea is a Deity! She grabbed it with tactical ease and throws it back at the Impaler!

Azareea has impaled the Xenpirian into the giant rock, ending his life! She then quickly goes into cover behind the giant rocks. She wanted a clear view of the battlefield and to send a clear message to the Impalers!

 A DEADLY ALLIANCE has been formed! 


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